Praghna Centre for Research

  तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

 Towards a knowledge driven society

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Praghna Research Prize 2025: Call for papers

Praghna Centre for Research (Praghna) was founded in June 2021 as a not-for-profit educational institute with a singular objective – inculcate and promote scientific tempter among students and emerging scholars. Towards this objective, Praghna has entered into MoUs with think tanks and universities for conducting research methodology workshops/capsules and internship programs. Till now, 20 workshops and orientation talks have been conducted and our interns have written 32 research works that have been published online. Through these endeavours, we intend to facilitate greater understanding of the world that we live in through scientific research. Visit our website to know more about us.

In yet another initiative to promote scientific research, Praghna announced two prizes in 2023. We received 07 Papers for consideration that year. In 2024, two further prizes were added. We received 13 papers and four books for consideration. 

This year, Praghna observes its 4th Anniversary on 07 June 2025. To commemorate the occasion, we are instituting SIX prizes for original works. They are:

V. Rajamanickam Prize: For research paper in political science or historical studies

Kalavathy Rajamanickam Prize: For research paper in socio-cultural studies

Group Captain Arun Bhatnagar Prize: For research paper in defense studies

Radhe Shyam Gupta Prize: For a monograph or book in Strategic and Defense Studies

KN Venkatraman Prize: For a research paper in Education and Developmental Studies

Lakshmi Venkatraman Prize: For a research paper in Women and Community Development

Each prize has three elements: 1) A cash prize of INR 2000 (Two Thousand only) for each category, 2) An E-Certificate and, 3) Publication of the research work through Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645), subject to blind peer review.

We remain grateful to Dr Mohit Kumar Gupta and Captain Ravi Shankar & Dr Meena Ravi Shankar for instituting and sponsoring three prizes in memory of their parents.

Please help us promote scientific approach to research in social sciences by widely sharing this post in your respective networks.

Queries if any, could be mailed to  

Recent Events

Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S): Workshop for Interns on Research Methodology: May-June 2024

Workshop through four sessions conducted for interns of C3S providing them a strong orientation on research methodology and critically reviewing their work for completing their research projects.

DRaS-Praghna Research Internship

Praghna Centre for Research and Defence Research and Studies (DRaS) Research Writing Internship Program completes three years on 09 July 2024. 

Internship Program for UG/PG students with 08 interns first commenced on 24 July 21. See our Capacity Building Programs page for details.

EJSSS YouTube Channel Videos:

The recordings of the webinars hosted by EJSSS are available in our YouTube channel. We do hope students, scholars and researchers will utilise them for their studies and research work.

Praghna YouTube Channel Videos:

The recordings of the presentation of papers by our interns are available in our YouTube channel. We do hope students, scholars and researchers will utilise them for their studies and research work.
