Praghna Centre for Research invites applications from Institutions, Departments in Universities/Colleges, Research Centres, Think Tanks and individuals. Membership of Praghna facilitates in participating in the activities of Praghna as well as utilizing its resources for furthering research interests in subjects of mutual interest.
Type of membership
Honorary Members: A person will become Honorary Member only by invitation by the company. There is no subscription fee leviable for such Members. These members will have access to all published material and activities like conferences.
Distinguished Members: Eminent persons in the field of social sciences and strategic studies, may become Member under this category and such Member shall be become member on invitation of the company. They will have access to all published material and activities like conferences.
Institutional Members: Higher Education Institutions and/or Departments within such institutions, Think Tanks and such other institutions in the field of social sciences and strategic studies, may become Member under this category. The membership envisages collaborative research, joint webinars and publications. It also envisages internship for students/scholars from such institutions and workshops on research methodology and writing. These Institutional members will have access to all published material and activities like conferences. Acceptance of membership is subject to approval by Board of Directors of Praghna. Terms and Conditions for such membership will be mutually agreed upon through an MoU.
Ordinary Members - Open to students, researchers, and others. This membership entails access to all published content, conferences/webinars organized and such other services except otherwise notified in the website.
Applying for Membership
Membership Application form (see Tab on top left) is to be filled and filed. We will be happy to revert to you with details on queries if any, and the decision of the Board of Directors.
Please note that each submitted form will be considered by the Board of Directors. Approval of the Board will be communicated along with details required.